After Repair Value $100,000
Asking Price - $28,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
Let's start with
AssetColumn is about...
After Repair Value $100,000
Asking Price - $28,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $280,000
Asking Price - $159,000
Repair Costs - $15,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $400,000
Asking Price - $159,000
Repair Costs - $80,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $400,000
Asking Price - $165,000
Repair Costs - $80,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $389,000
Asking Price - $305,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $155,000
Asking Price - $155,000
Repair Costs - $2,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $220,000
Asking Price - $115,000
Repair Costs - $25,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $244,000
Asking Price - $148,000
Repair Costs - $25,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $500,000
Asking Price - $300,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $165,000
Asking Price - $115,000
Repair Costs - $10,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $260,000
Asking Price - $220,000
Repair Costs - $20,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $250,000
Asking Price - $217,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $120,000
Asking Price - $59,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $13,000
Asking Price - $5,700
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $50,000
Asking Price - $29,950
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $37,000
Asking Price - $14,250
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $90,000
Asking Price - $65,000
Repair Costs - $10,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $110,000
Asking Price - $20,000
Repair Costs - $40,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $115,000
Asking Price - $40,000
Repair Costs - $30,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $418,000
Asking Price - $352,114
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $337,480
Asking Price - $153,599
Repair Costs - $32,677
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $70,000
Asking Price - $35,000
Repair Costs - $20,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $60,000
Asking Price - $45,000
Repair Costs - $20,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $100,000
Asking Price - $28,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $280,000
Asking Price - $159,000
Repair Costs - $15,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $400,000
Asking Price - $159,000
Repair Costs - $80,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $400,000
Asking Price - $165,000
Repair Costs - $80,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $244,000
Asking Price - $148,000
Repair Costs - $25,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $500,000
Asking Price - $300,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $260,000
Asking Price - $220,000
Repair Costs - $20,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $120,000
Asking Price - $59,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $13,000
Asking Price - $5,700
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $50,000
Asking Price - $29,950
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $120,000
Asking Price - $14,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $104,000
Asking Price - $69,900
Repair Costs - $3,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $190,000
Asking Price - $150,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $4,650,000
Asking Price - $4,650,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,400,000
Asking Price - $1,400,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $3,595,000
Asking Price - $3,595,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $3,995,000
Asking Price - $3,995,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
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After Repair Value $337,480
Asking Price - $153,599
Repair Costs - $32,677
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $59,900
Asking Price - $59,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $244,000
Asking Price - $148,000
Repair Costs - $25,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $500,000
Asking Price - $300,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $85,000
Asking Price - $75,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $873,121
Asking Price - $773,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $15,500
Asking Price - $7,900
Repair Costs - $1,500
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $19,500
Asking Price - $12,500
Repair Costs - $1,500
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,200,000
Asking Price - $919,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $18,500
Asking Price - $6,500
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,050
Asking Price - $1,050
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $80,000
Asking Price - $68,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $130,000
Asking Price - $130,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $180,000
Asking Price - $180,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $480,400
Asking Price - $485,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $104,000
Asking Price - $69,900
Repair Costs - $3,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $20,000
Asking Price - $20,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $275,000
Asking Price - $160,000
Repair Costs - $70,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,400,000
Asking Price - $1,400,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $68,000
Asking Price - $51,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $35,900
Asking Price - $35,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $69,900
Asking Price - $69,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $29,900
Asking Price - $29,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $500,000
Asking Price - $300,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $500,000
Asking Price - $300,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $39,900
Asking Price - $39,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $120,000
Asking Price - $59,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $13,000
Asking Price - $5,700
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $50,000
Asking Price - $29,950
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $37,000
Asking Price - $14,250
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,400,000
Asking Price - $1,200,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $87,900
Asking Price - $87,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $418,000
Asking Price - $352,114
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $180,000
Asking Price - $150,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $630,000
Asking Price - $599,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $104,000
Asking Price - $69,900
Repair Costs - $3,000
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $59,900
Asking Price - $59,900
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $190,000
Asking Price - $150,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $230,000
Asking Price - $150,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
After Repair Value $1,400,000
Asking Price - $1,400,000
Repair Costs - $0
Potential Profit
AssetColumn is the marketplace for Real Estate Deals posted by users. Here you can find unlisted, discounted, and distressed properties in need of TLC. Struggling to find good deals on the MLS? you'll love AssetColumn's deals which actually generate income. But remember, great deals go fast.
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Common Frequently Asked Questions
A: We are an online platform looking to provide the easiest and most effect solution for those who deal with real estate whether it is between sellers, buyers, wholesalers, or investors, trying to make real estate deals. Our main goal is to connect potential buyers to real estate deals directly, without the middleman who would in return collect commission. So users arrive on our platform and list their property, waiting to connect with a buyer directly. This way in the end, they profit more.
A: By providing a monthly membership to facilitate the process of buying and/or selling property at a much higher rate. With any of our Premium Memberships, you will have immediate access to the newest properties as soon as they arrive being posted. If you have a Free Membership, all new properties will have a 7-day delay. This gives ALL Premium Memberships priority over new properties posted. We provide a system notification called "Hot Deals" which include sending immediate alerts via email & text messages. Here's how it works... When ever a seller lists a property within AssetColumn, they have access to set their ARV for every property they upload. After that is complete, our system then immediately creates a "More Precise" calculated ARV of that property. Not only will you be able to see the sellers calculated ARV, but you will also see the "More Accurate" ARV value of each property. Let's say you are interested in a deal and would like to contact the seller. We provide the sellers contact information with just one click. If you prefer to not contact the seller through email or text, that is totally fine. We have the 'Users Chat' feature where you can still contact the seller on the platform and send messages back and forth. We have several other awesome features our members take advantage of. For example, we have "Landing Pages" which are user friendly and easy to customize so you can generate real estate leads. You can find "Properties Website" where you can showcase your properties by either creating a page with Assetcolumn, or integrate your very own url. Also we have a "Email Marketing System" which will allow you to send gazillions amount of emails to your potential list of cliental (cash buyers or sellers). And many other tools...
What type of deals can i find?
Here you will find wholesale properties which have been listed by individuals who have an arrangement with a listing owner, they are not realtors. These properties are NOT "Public", and are not listed on the MLS or on any other public database. This is how it works. The wholesaler will contact the owner of the property and make a lowball offer. The wholesaler will guarantee that if the owner accepts the contract price, within a few weeks the property will be sold. Wholesalers promotes their property on their own. This is a normal procedure for wholesaling houses: Wholesaler provides a "Wholesale contract" to the owner who then agrees and signs for much less than what the property is really worth. The wholesaler promotes this property slightly higher than what he offered the owner. This way it becomes a win-win situation for the investor, and the wholesaler
Find FSBO (For Sale By Owner) Properties. Owners come to the site and list their FSBO property because they are looking for cash offers. Most of the time sellers do not want to deal with realtors, and that's why they like Assetcolumn. They don't like the idea of giving commission to third party individuals. Since they know they have a property and offering a good deal, the property gets sold within a week.
Find "Fix and Flip" properties posted by sellers, wholesalers or other investors, and because of the condition, these distressed properties are highly discounted. These deals will provide huge profits after minimum repairs on it.
Find Owner Financed Properties, These are sellers who are willing to provide monthly financing solutions to the potential buyer in order to buy their property. Many sellers come to Assetcolumn looking to sell their property and offer financial solutions to the buyer. This option is very useful for private buyers who are not able to upfront money all at once. Or maybe they are not able to get a loan from the bank for the property they want. So they end up looking for Owner Financed Properties providing monthly financial solutions.
And any other under market value properties
You will find several types of properties here in Assetcolumn. Our only requirement we ask is that all properties be listed Below market value. Whether your property is listed with a realtor or not, your property needs to be listed AT LEAST 10% under market value to advertise on Assetcolumn. You can find many type of properties here in AssetColumn, the only requirement we ask for, is Cheap, Below market value. No matter if your property is listed with a realtor, or not if it's under 10% and more it's more than welcome to be advertised here in AssetColumn. We are interesting in making deals for our users. We specialize in listing properties that are well under market value, for other type of real estate try using tools such as: zillow, realtor, or Properties Miami
Terms that you might find confusing
A: ARV (After Repair Value) this term is used when you're looking at a distressed and they're asking for the final value of the property after all fixes, OR when a property is highly discounted and you want to know how much would be the normal market value of the property.
A: You might read this in our Funding section. A Private Lenders is a wealthy individual ready to lend his own cash without the same requirements as a bank. Private lenders care a lot more about the deal that you're trying to get than your credit score. Our Private Lenders will be able to fund your next investment if they think it's worth it for you and them.