For Sale: 4633 Ben Ave 2 in Valley Village for $349,000

4633 Ben Ave, Valley Village, CA 91607

$349,000 After Repair Value -
$349,000 Asking Price -
$0 Cost of Repairs =
$0 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $349,000

After Repair Value $349,000

Costs of Repairs $0

Potential Profit $0

Living Area 563 ft2

Property Type Condo

Bedrooms 1

Bathrooms 1

Half Bathrooms 0

Parking 1

Listed with Agent Yes

Property Description

You are not hallucinating: there is still a gem of a condo in Valley Village for this affordable price! This charming, super cozy condo is full of light. We’ve got a brick fireplace, wooden French windows, high beam ceiling & hip kitchen. Location is superb: one block to markets: Gelson’s, Starbucks, UPS Store and the mini-mall. Near all major freeways: 101, 170 & 134. Minutes to studios: Universal / NBC, CBS, Disney, Warner Bros., Sony….! Gated parking with 2 parking spaces.

Tammy Jerome
Top 1% agents
Coldwell Banker Nationwide!
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