Great Investment Opportunity in 36608

7330 8th St, Mobile, AL 36608

$55,000 After Repair Value -
$28,000 Asking Price -
$25,000 Cost of Repairs =
$2,000 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $28,000

After Repair Value $55,000

Costs of Repairs $25,000

Potential Profit $2,000

Living Area 930 ft2

Property Type Single Family House

Bedrooms 2

Bathrooms 1

Half Bathrooms 1

Parking 0

Listed with Agent No

EPI (Estimated Potential Income)

Potential Rental Income $850

Yearly Expenses N/A

Property Taxes N/A

Net Operating Income N/A

Cap Rate N/A

Property Description

This home is located in the Mobile Terrace neighborhood, right on off Cody Rd. The airport is just a 15-20 min drive east, and if you head down Cody Rd. towards Airport Blvd. You can find yourself in between a Walmart Grocery Store and Walmart Super Center. Great Location for section 8,

Repairs Needed

Full Kitchen Remodel\r\nNew Kitchen Flooring \r\nNew BackPorch Construction \r\nCosmetic Touch ups


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