Enjoy your Life like Never before on these 0.37 acres in Hawkins, TX!

Old Opportunity Blvd, Texas 75765, USA 0

$7,290 After Repair Value -
$7,290 Asking Price -
$0 Cost of Repairs =
$0 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $7,290

After Repair Value $7,290

Costs of Repairs $0

Potential Profit $0

Living Area : 100.645 ft width X 161.68 ft depth ft2

Property Type Unknown

Bedrooms 0

Bathrooms 0

Half Bathrooms N/A

Parking 0

Listed with Agent 1

Property Description

Every SUMMMER has its own story, so come and grab your property and write your story today!!! Beautiful 0.37 acres property in Hawkins, TX is just 1:36 Hours from Dallas, TX. This property resides within Wood county. We have discounted cash prices available. Call us now 469-314-9911 and discover the perfect space for your needs while spending your Summer in a way like never before!


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