Affiliate Lender Information

Please enter the information in the slots below.

Largest community of online real estate investors.

With thousands of property listings and real estate investors, AssetColumn is dedicated to the growth and success of its community.

Let's get started with your Affiliation

Please fill in the information below, so that we can communicate with you and place you in the system. to start receiving requests.

Thank you

1. Contact Information

Please provide the email and phone number where you would like to receive your loan requests

2. In what states do you operate in?

3. Payment Method

We need to have in file your payment information. you'll never get charged upfront.

How the program works?

When you're setup in our system, you would be placed on a rotation system and as the request come in, depending on which state the request will be send fairly in the order that they come in. after receiving the request you will communicate directly with the requester and provide them with the information on your loans and get all additional and necessary information for your qualification purposes.

What we are NOT

We're not a lead source provider we are a service provider to investors on our platform you will not be receiving hundreds of requests, depending on how many areas you represent you will receive from 4 to 10 requests per week and can be additional amount if your organization is able to handle the volume.